
Church magazine

Print run 1200. 800 copies are distributed by mail; remaining copies are handed out and made available at the church, at The Royal Danish Embassy and other places where Danes meet.


Back page £800, discount at 3 insertions £2000 + VAT 20%

Full page £ 600, discount at 3 insertions £1500 + VAT 20%

Half a page £ 400, discount at 3 insertions £1000 + VAT 20%

Quarter of a page is £ 200, discount at 3 insertions £ 500 + VAT 20%                                                                                                                                       


Page size A5 210 x 148. 

Full page 210 x 148 + margin 3 mm

Half page 95 x 148 + margin 3 mm

Quarter page 95 x 65 + margin 3 mm

Full colour CMYK

300 dpi pdf or Jpeg

Dates of print 

No 1, March – August, deadline first week of January 

No 2, September -November, deadline first week of July

No 3, December – February, deadline first week of October